Wolf Performing Arts Center is a
Non-Profit Organization Serving the Community

What is a non-profit organization?

A nonprofit organization is a business that has been granted tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service because it furthers a social cause and provides a public benefit. Donations made to a nonprofit organization are typically tax-deductible to individuals and businesses that make them.

Wolf Performing Arts Center is a non-profit 501 (c)(3)

What is Wolf Performing Art Center's mission?

To provide a safe, inclusive space for young people to express their authentic selves through learning and experiencing theatre.

Why is Wolf PAC a non-profit organization?

In 2005, Bobbi Wolf, founder of Wolf Performing Arts Center, chose to create a non-profit, volunteer-driven, performing arts center that can make theatre education accessible to anyone in the community.

We are a non-profit so we can make performing arts education as accessible as possible to the community through contributed income. Our non-profit status allows us to dream bigger, to grow, to thrive, and to serve. As a non-profit we are here for the community with the mission truly at the forefront. Everyone succeeds and does better if the non-profit succeeds and does better.

What does Wolf PAC’s non-profit status allow us to do?

  • Raise funds designated to provide scholarships to those with financial need

  • Make theatre education affordable by keeping tuition costs down through donations and grant funding

  • Fundraise to provide the best staff, programs, and space for our students to learn and grow

  • Work with volunteers and community members who donate their time at our many events and performances throughout the year

  • Serve the community regardless of age, gender, race, and socioeconomic status through a robust nonprofit mission statement and values

  • Apply for grants to help fund current and future programming

Please consider helping our non-profit to…

Provide Scholarships
Expand Programs
Serve Community
Hire the Best in Our Business
Keep Tuition Costs Down
Qualify for Grants


Make a one-time donation (click here)

Make a recurring donation throughout the year (click here)

Volunteer your time (click here)

Donate through your corporate giving program (click here)

Donate a service or supplies (click here)

Purchase Wolf PAC merchandise (click here)

Purchase an item on our wish list (click here)

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Wolf Performing Arts Center is a non-profit 501 (c)(3)