Field Trips

Educational Content:

• Professional Theatre
• Teaching Artists
• Acting Workshop
• Theatre Appreciation

Join us at Wolf Performing Arts Center in our Black Box Theater for an assembly and workshop in musical theatre. Students will enjoy a performance by Wolf PAC students, followed by breakout workshops where they have a chance to learn theatrical skills from professional Teaching Artists.

  • Actor’s Tools Workshop, based on Body, Voice, and Imagination

    View a Performance of a selection of a currently running Wolf PAC performance

    Learn from professional theatre Teaching Artists who specialize in theatre education

  • We have partnered with a local school to provide a Field Trip experience for 4th grade students. The students were led through an acting workshop at our facility, followed by a presentation of our production of Matilda the Musical in our Black Box Theatre.

  • Cost varies depending on the length of programming. Please contact Amy Brower for more information.

Performance Support

Educational Content:

• Character Creation
• Storytelling
• Acting Skills

A Wolf PAC Teaching Artist will join your cast for a more in-depth look at a specific skill. Support can range from audition prep to acting through song to expressive movement. Serving as a one-time consultant for your directing team, let us help guide the students of your current production toward their best performance!

  • Audition Prep for your upcoming production

    Acting/Storytelling coaching with the cast of your current production

    Improve the quality of individual and ensemble performance

    Development of stage presence and comprehension of material

    Typically 1- 1 ½ hours in length

  • Last Fall, a Wolf PAC Teaching Artist facilitated a Storytelling Workshop with a cast of a local school production. The students were challenged to develop their characters, improve their stage presence, and increase their ensemble skills.


Educational Content:

• Ensemble Building
• Improvisation
• Creative Writing

Theatre education programming designed to suit your homeschool schedule! Wolf PAC will facilitate a class or performance option, either at our site or yours. Students may participate in a theatre club style class with activities ranging from Musical Theater-based material to Improv Acting games to Scene Work.

  • Day time class or performance programming designed for your homeschool community

    Programming in our facility may include technical support from our systems and inventory

    Devise a play or musical review, facilitated by a Wolf PAC Teaching Artist, or choose from our Original Wolf PAC scripts

    Daytime class options in musical theatre, improv, and acting for grade levels 1-3, 4-6, or 7-9

    Option to bring programming to your co-op or church


Educational Content:

• Ensemble Building
• Creative Thinking
• Public Speaking

Let Wolf PAC facilitate your next team-building event! Using ice breakers, theater games, and other interactive activites, Wolf PAC will help bring comfort and connectivity to your team. Our Teaching Artists will use the theatre arts to promote ensemble work and thinking creatively as a team.

  • Team Building are typically 1 ½ hours in length

    We can accommodate the needs of your organization regarding number of participants

    Team-Building Workshop for any age group looking to enhance creative ensemble skills

    Scout groups, Church or Temple groups, professional development

    Adult Team Building Workshops are for co-workers, church or temple groups, or any group of adults who wish to strengthen their creative ensemble skills

    All groups benefit from working together in a new way, sharing ideas, and thinking outside the box.

  • Our Wolf PAC Teaching Artists recently facilitated a team-building event at a local synagogue. The participants engaged in full group activity, and then were split into smaller groups to take part in continued improvisational theatre activities. The event culminated in a showcase for the other groups.

Contact us:

Amy Brower
Artist in Residence Director