
Educational Content:

• Ensemble Building
• Character Development
• Performance

Wolf PAC brings a full performance experience to your Kindergarten classroom! Our staff will facilitate rehearsals of an original Wolf PAC script written specifically for this age group. As the students learn stagecraft and develop characters for their performance, they will practice reading skills, working together, and critical thinking.

  • Kindergarten performance package includes:

    A daytime rehearsal process

    Original Wolf PAC Scripts designed specifically for this age group

    Collaboration with school personnel to create costuming and set pieces

    Please note: we recommend 12-14 sessions, plus a short tech rehearsal schedule

  • We maintain a residency with a local school in which we facilitate their annual Kindergarten performance program. The students rehearse an original Wolf PAC script with our Teaching Artists, along with learning basic acting and performing skills. The process lasts for 14 weeks and culminates in a full production for families at the host school.

  • Fees based on number of session meetings and performances.

1st - 8th Grade

Educational Content:

• Ensemble skills
• Character work
• Stagecraft

The Performance Package for our Artist in Residence program offers a fully polished theatrical production for schools. Wolf PAC will send a team of professional Teaching Artists to lead students in a production chosen by the host school and AIR Manager. Performance options include a full Wolf PAC team to direct, manage, and produce the show or to offer support to an already established theater program. We are happy to work with the needs of each individual school. Typically, rehearsals for these performance programs take place directly afterschool.

  • As we develop your program, we will determine your grade level breakdown and appropriate length of Broadway-style show

  • The cost varies on the level of support your community requires. Please contact Amy Brower, AIR Manager for a quote at 610-642-0233

Artistic Consultant

Performance Support • Technical Support •  Enhance Current Production

The consultant package includes a condensed rehearsal schedule with a subject matter expert, chosen and provided by Wolf PAC, to fill the specific needs of the Host School’s production. Additional Technical Support staff may be added to the Performance Packages for an additional, itemized fee.

Consultant options include:

Music Director
Sound Designer
Technical Manager to assist with the design and implementation of one or more of the following:
Sets • Lighting • Props • Sound • Costumes

Contact us:

Amy Brower
Artist in Residence Director